Thursday, July 29, 2010

a tale of two kitties

Of the countless Warner Bros cartoons I've seen in my day, this one stands out as an all-time favorite: A Tale of Two Kitties. It stars two WWII-era cats, but the cuteness is entirely thanks to a tiny orphaned bird named Tweety. This is his first-ever appearance, and Warner Bros ruined him almost immediately after. He was a brand-new baby bird in this cartoon, and followed all the rules of cute. Head-to-body proportion. Foot-to-body proportion. Huge eyes. Baby talk. He didn't even have feathers yet. (I've read that the censors demanded feathers be added for his next cartoon – can't have nude baby birds running around with the Nazis on the loose.) My favorite thing about this Tweety is that he's cute as a bug, but sarcastic and mean as all hell. The Warner Bros crew always had something against cats and made them the butt of all jokes, even if the cats in question were dead ringers for Abbott and Costello. Enjoy!

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